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How do these 2 treatments deeply cleanse your face?

October 29, 2017

Comment ces 2 soins nettoient en profondeur votre visage ? - Dado Cosmetics

Are you fed up with the quality of your skin? Do you accumulate treatments, change brands often but are never satisfied with the results? Are you frustrated to always see those dry patches, redness or that damned shine that competes with the sun? But above all, you don't understand the "little thing" you're missing????

Question: do you really know your skin's needs in terms of cleansing? Not the marketing gimmicks but the real needs of your human skin.

If your goal is beautiful, healthy skin, read on.

Why should the skin be gently cleansed?

Do not clean your skin anyhow or with just anything, otherwise you will end up with this dull and rough complexion ( which gets worse in winter ).

Imagine you are wearing a white garment, you know that at the end of the day it will turn gray. Understand that your skin reacts the same way. This is why it is important to clean it gently (EVEN IF YOU DON'T USE MAKE -UP) to remove make-up, of course, but also:

  • toxins
  • dirt, sweat
  • dead skin cells
  • dust

Only after this, your skin will be able to breathe better, receive better care and fully play its protecting role.

    What is deep cleansing?

    There are only TWO things that cleanse the skin:

    A fatty substance (make-up remover oil) to remove impurities stuck in the fat.


    A surfactant (soap) to remove impurities stuck in the water (sweat)

    It is therefore the combination of a vegetable oil with soap that will truly cleanse your skin. One does not go without the other.

    That being said, you need an irreproachable quality of the materials to maximize the effect of the treatment. This is where you will see all the difference and I insist on this point.

    So what is the best oil?

    The one whose vitamins and minerals have been preserved. No additives, no preservatives. It is the virgin vegetable oil, that is to say the pure juice of the seed or the fruit . POINT.

    As for the soap, it should be mild because if it is aggressive, your skin will react. Result,

    • oily skin will produce more sebum
    • dry skin will become even drier
    • sensitive skin will have redness, patches of eczema,...

    Isn't that what you wanted to avoid?

    So, what is a mild soap?

    It is the one that is cold saponified (SAF for friends). An artisanal and traditional method of making soaps that are softer and more moisturizing than industrial soaps which foam...too much and end up unbalancing the skin of the face. Do you remember that tight skin feeling?

    How to clean?

    Simple and quick to fit into your daily life. Less than 3 minutes. Isn't life beautiful?

    Every evening, place a few drops in the palm of your hand and massage your face with your cleansing oil. No need to wet your face. You will feel all the impurities being eliminated. Moreover, it works effectively on any type of makeup even waterproof mascara. Using your fingers, you have to gently massage your eyelashes without damaging them. No cotton needed. Already, at this stage, your skin is nourished. It doesn't pull. Let yourself be surprised by the divine touch of this gentle make-up removal process. The texture of the oil on your skin will feel almost magical. This binding stage will become a moment of pure pleasure and relaxation.

    Continue this procedure with the soap bar adapted to your skin type. It's gentle enough to use every night. It foams little and you will feel its smoothness between your fingers. All the impurities stuck in the sweat will thus be eliminated. Rinse off and your skin will feel really clean without any tightness.

    Cleansing is the secret to beautiful skin

    You must have understood that the soap, on its own, will only remove the impurities stuck in the sweat but not those in the fat. As a result, your skin accumulates oily impurities and suffocates.

    There is no real secret to beautiful skin. You have to combine the right ways of application with simple but quality ingredients. If you're curious to see your skin reborn, start with a deep cleanse. You might be surprised at the result. Because, applying a superior treatment on dirty skin will not have the desired effects. Sorry!

    It will work better on skin that has been cleared of its impurities. It will be healthier, more beautiful and more balanced. You will simply see the difference. But now you know. It's your turn...

    Deep cleanse your skin before applying natural treatments and share the magical effects in the comments below! I will look forward to read your experience.


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