January 22, 2021
The body is a formidable machine but it is clear that our current rhythms of life do not do it justice. Personally, I wasn't sure how it worked. As a result, I was not meeting those needs optimally. I had to learn and then practice.
It's another story, but I'm taking it one step at a time. Awareness is the most important thing. Afterwards, it's trial and error but always with this search for well-being.
I would like to share some of my personal endeavors with you. Indeed, many of you tell me about your skin problems (pimples, eczema, dull complexion, pigment spots, etc.).
So of course, natural care is a very good start but I would say that for some, it should not hide the forest. Let me explain. If you have been using conventional cosmetics for years, you have most likely "poisoned" your body (pesticides, silicone, mineral oils, potentially carcinogenic preservatives, etc.). If in addition, your diet was not organic with a good share of vegetables and fruits, you understand that your body has stored a lot of toxins THAT NEED TO BE ELIMINATED.
Before I start, I want to clarify that I am neither a doctor nor work in the medical profession. This is my personal experience that I want to share with you. These are just food for thought.
For those new to fasting or purging, it is important to do your own research and contact your doctor for personal guidance.
When I heard about dry and intermittent fasting, I was intrigued. It was a challenge to take up because I like to get out of my comfort zone.
So in September 2018, I did a first 7-day dry fast (without eating or drinking). As a good warrior that I am, I didn't prepare during the days before. I just made the decision to stop eating and drinking.
Before, I had this limiting thought that 3 days without drinking was going to lead me “to death” but no. The proof, I am still standing.
It was an exhilarating experience. A feeling of control and above all: exceptional clarity of mind. Like I was getting super smart. I was thinking better and faster with fewer negative thoughts. You know that hamster that spins around in your head all the time. Truly, I saw the incredible intelligence of the body with its tremendous adaptability.
Since the energy was no longer intended for digestion, it went elsewhere, notably to my brain, which was better irrigated. All deficient cells no longer receiving food are eliminated.
I also gained in vitality. An energy that allowed me to jump out of bed and need fewer hours of sleep.
Indeed, fasting allows the body to deeply cleanse itself. ALL ALONE. I think sometimes doing less is the best decision to make. It's free but it requires fighting against your mind and your habits. It is a battle against ourselves but which once won, strengthens our self-confidence. I guess there's always a price to pay but it's worth it.
The "negative" side of my experience was a little fatigue towards the end because I didn't rest. Moreover, it is advisable not to be active. On the contrary, the less you move, the better. To be honest, I was not very wise on this side. I take full responsibility. But if you accompany it with prayers and meditation, it is truly a beautiful experience of self-connection. We push our limits and boost our self-confidence.
I broke the fast with a fresh coconut juice. A real delight for the taste buds. I regained all my energy in an instant.
My other experience was the Organic Castor Oil Purge. I did some research, especially on YouTube with Irène Grosjean. Purging clears the lymph and intestines. What I remember is a cleansing of our bad moods, fatigue and depression among others.
For the little anecdote: a little girl who had eaten the mines of colored pencils had not evacuated them at the time. It is about fifty years later, that they found these same mines in her stools (after a purge). In fact, her body had coated them in order to limit their toxicity. I found this crazy. What's your reaction?
The week before, I did intermittent fasting. Then on Monday, I had my last meal at 6 p.m. Tuesday morning around 9:00 am, I took 4 tablespoons of organic castor oil in clementine juice. It is a very thick oil. You can drink the juice with your nose covered. Then I lay down and massaged my belly with a creamy butter or vegetable oil for 5 minutes, clockwise.
I was listening to my feelings. But 1 hour later, I gained vitality. This pleasantly surprised me.
Then after 4 hours, it was a constant back and forth in the bathroom. I was liberated. It wasn't painful at all but again I was surprised by the clarity in my mind. It was truly amazing and almost instantaneous.
I waited 24 hours before eating and drinking. The idea is to gently replenish your diet (fruit puree and vegetable broths).
I will say that 2020 has been emotionally and physically taxing. I had accumulated a lot of tension without having really discharged myself. Suddenly, I felt my lack of clarity. I was hesitating all the time without having the courage to make a frank decision. We need it in our personal and professional lives.
When I learned that purging cleanses moods and helps fight depression, I thought, why not? It met my need.
After doing it, things became obvious, clear. We physically feel a change of state. The mind is calmed and we manage to listen to our heart. It is always right.
Another advantage: this cleansing gave my skin a boost. A few pimples came out. I haven't touched them because otherwise I risk making stains. I could have put a drop of essential oil of tea tree or lavender but I preferred to welcome them. I just continued my beauty routine with precious oils from Africa and they were gone. Discover your beauty routine here.
My skin became brighter. By ridding it of these internal toxins, I allowed my skin to breathe better and to work better with the precious oils from Africa. I noticed a new radiance in my complexion despite the gray of January.
To conclude, we do not realize the amount of toxins present in the body. Our cells are bathed in it and it has such an impact on the way we see things.
Fasting and purging are 2 ways to deeply detoxify the body in order to have a clean ground. Then it would be to maintain it with a healthy diet, sport and natural cosmetics like at Dado Cosmetics
Not only do we get a clearer view of our choices, new vitality, energy and a boost in self-confidence, but also our skin becomes more beautiful and luminous. It works best with precious oils from Africa.
I always say thank your skin for pimples and blemishes. It tells you that something is wrong! It's up to you to listen to it, understand it and respond to it in the best possible way.
It's really not a fatality but there are principles to understand. These are always the principles that must be known before applying the rules.
Tell me in the comments if these 2 methods are already part of your routines or if this is a discovery.
With love,
October 31, 2024
Bonjour, concernant votre purge à l huile ricin, j aimerai savoir combien d heures ou jours où bien semaines cet état d esprit à durer pour vous ?
April 04, 2021
Waouhhh, je suis vraiment heure de découvrir ce qui est écris plus haut, je penses de plus en plus à une cure…je vais me documenter sur les 2 méthodes dont tu as parlé ici.
Merci 😊
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February 23, 2025
Bjr j’ai jeûné 13 jours je pratique depuis 15 ans une. Purge par an voire 2 maximum. J’ai essayé la purge de ricin plus douce moins violente. J’éternue beaucoup et j’élimine bar voie naturelle je me mouche bref c’est plus facile que celle au chlorure. Avec un jeûne en suivant de 3 à 5 jours et ce sera parfait.